If you are not using email marketing as part of your marketing and sale strategies, then we have one simple question to ask you, ‘Why not?’.
Hopefully, the reason is that you simply were not aware of the benefits of email marketing, rather than not believing it can work. We assure you email marketing does work, and in fact, it works wonderfully well for businesses, large and small, and at a global or a local level.
To reassure you if you have doubts, or to educate you if you have not seen what the benefits of email marketing are, here are seven of the most significant which can make the biggest difference to your digital marketing campaign.
Simple To Implement
Of all the online marketing tools or strategies that you might wish to start, email marketing is one of the easiest. At its very simplest all you need is two email addresses, yours, and the person you wish to email.
As a business you’ll obviously want to do it professionally, so you will use an autoresponder service that allows you to set up your campaigns, run them and measure them, and it does so via one single log in.
Campaigns Can Be Set Up In Advance
The autoresponder service which we just mentioned is one that allows you to create a series of emails and have them delivered at a time and date which is predetermined by you.
What that means is that in a single afternoon you could create all the emails you wish to send, but instead of you having to physically press ‘Send’ for each and every one to go out to your subscribers, the autoresponder does it for you automatically.
That means you could be earning requests for information or sales from the emails you send out, literally whilst you are asleep.
Allows For Immediate Promotions
While setting up campaigns in advance is highly effective, and also a very efficient way to market your business, you are also able to send out ‘live’ emails. These emails are called broadcast emails, and they are independent of any series of emails that you have running.
They can be used whenever there is something which you wish to tell your subscribers which happens suddenly such as new products arriving in-store, or an update to your working hours for example.
They are also a great way to run quick one-off promotions which are time-limited and can result in a large number of sales in a short period of time.
Can Deliver Highly Targeted Messages
One of the most underused aspects of email marketing is the ability to segment a list of email subscribers, and the fact that you can do so, is once again thanks to the autoresponder.
That means that whenever an email subscriber takes action, such as buy a specific product, you can move them to a different list within your autoresponder.
You can have lists for people who have bought a specific product, or lists based on where they live, in fact, it is entirely up to you how you organise them.
What it means is you can create and send messages which are laser targeted to groups of your subscribers based on past actions, purchases, or demographics, if you have that information.
Builds Customer Relationships and Loyalty
While you will want to use email marketing to promote your products and services, not every email should be saying, ‘Buy this’. You want to also send emails that contain information about your company, plus tips and advice related to your niche.
By doing so, you build a better relationship with your subscribers, meaning if they have not purchased yet, they are more likely to do so.
It also helps to keep customers loyal to you, as instead of never hearing from you after they purchase, your email forms a line of communication with them.
Easy to Measure Results
Your autoresponder will also help you to effectively measure the results from your campaigns giving you data such as deliverability, email open rates, and click through rates.
Using this information, you can quickly and easily pinpoint at which stage in your email campaign you are seeing positive results, and where it is not looking so good.
This may mean trying to improve your subject lines, or using stronger calls to action, and then seeing if they improve your stats.
Huge Return on Investment
With every dollar you invest in your marketing you want to see a return, and with email marketing that return can be enormous. Autoresponder fees are so low, that in many businesses a single sale, could pay for that service for an entire year, or more.
Apart from the fact that all the other benefits we have listed are helping to make your campaigns successful, what you actually pay to operate your email marketing is minuscule in comparison to other marketing options such as PPC.