Legal Advice

The Three Stages of Sponsoring Overseas Workers For Australian Businesses

The Three Stages of Sponsoring Overseas Workers For Australian Businesses

For employers considering taking on workers from overseas, there is a process that must be followed to for a work visa to be granted that allows them to work in Australia. As part of that process, an employer is regarded as a worker’s sponsor, and it is essential that they what the approval procedure is. Failure to follow it can mean an application is rejected.

The main process has three stages to it, and we recommend seeking help from an expert migration agent in your destination to make the process as smooth as possible.

  • Approval Of The Business As A Sponsor
  • Approval Of The Position Being Offered
  • Approval Of The Visa

For each one of those three stages to be completed there are a number of requirements that must be met, and as you read on, we will outline the requirements for each stage.

Stage #1: Approval Of A Business As A Sponsor Requirements

In order for a business to be considered a valid sponsor of overseas workers it must be approved as a Standard business Sponsor (SBS). There are two main requirements which must be met. The first is quite simply that the business is currently trading and operating as a valid business. There is no minimum time on this, so even if it is a new business, as long as it trading normally, it can be approved as an SBS.

Terminate an Employee’s Contract

When Can I Legally Terminate an Employee’s Contract?

In Australia, both employee and employer rights are clear and comprehensive. In general, Australian employment law is fair and provides adequate protection for all parties. However, it can also be extremely confusing and figuring out what your rights are can be time-consuming and frustrating, to say the least.

Fortunately, though, the information is readily available. An experienced employment lawyer will be able to help you figure out your exact rights, and it’s often worth spending a little money to hire one if you find yourself stuck in a complicated situation.

Contract termination is one such complication area, so we’ve decided to provide a brief overview of the subject from the employers point of view. With this in mind, let’s have a quick look at when you can legally terminate an employee’s contract.

  1. If There’s a Termination Clause in the Contract

Many employment contracts contain some sort of termination clause that provides a way out for those who want to terminate their employment early. Sometimes, these come into place if a particular event or action happens, or they may be triggered at an employee or employer’s leisure.

For example, a particular employee’s contract could have a clause that allows early termination without penalty if particular performance targets aren’t met. Note that it’s extremely important to read all contracts before signing them to ensure you know about and are comfortable with any clauses or other termination details they contain.

Link Building

The Importance Of Link Building For Law Firm SEO

Link building is a vital component of SEO for any online business or website. It’s no different for lawyers or law firms who are looking to improve their SEO ranking. In fact, an SEO strategy without link building is very unlikely to succeed simply because backlinks are such a big ranking factor used by search engine algorithms.

But What Is Link Building?

If you haven’t heard of link building before, don’t worry – it’s pretty simple. In fact, it’s almost as easy as creating decent content for your own website. It refers to placing the link to your website on other high authority sites across the internet. This can be done in a number of ways, but the most popular is through guest posting.

The most backlinks that your website has from other sites, the more credible it will appear in Google’s eyes. Well, this isn’t actually completely true, because it’s a bit more complicated than this. Backlinks from other high-quality sites are worth more than backlinks from poor-quality sites, while backlinks from very poor-quality sites could even result in penalties. It is better to have one link from a number of sites than a number of links from one sites, because every new site that links to you will increase your credibility.

Legal Help

Need Legal help with Starting or Running your Business?

Reliable Business Lawyers look out for your Best Interests

Every business entrepreneur is aware that starting and running a business is no mean task but they may not be familiar with the type of problems that may crop up. Hiring reputed commercial lawyers like Lawyers Perth right from the beginning helps prevent problems and reduces the likelihood of stress, confusion and heavy legal expense at a later stage. Most business owners may consider hiring a lawyer as an expense (especially when they need every dollar to invest in the business). However, the truth is that having a lawyer looking out for you can help you concentrate on other tasks without having to worry about legal implications of decisions. Business lawyers are trained in Australian commercial law and will explain to you the pros and cons of different options and business decisions. They will help you weigh the advantages against potential pitfalls and as a result, you are able to make informed commitments. As online business advice experts will tell you, a business that is unfettered by legal problems and headaches is more likely to thrive, grow and prosper.


Tips to Prevent Litigation Against Your Small Business

Lawyers will tell you that litigation once only happened to large businesses; these days, it is also increasingly happening in the small business environment. It can be disastrous for any business, but even more so for the smaller one that doesn’t always have the resources to pay for it and recover. If you own a small business, here are some tips to prevent litigation from happening to you.

  • Watch your mouth. Being careful about what you say or write will help keep you out of hot water. These days, some people are on the defensive all the time, which means a thoughtless joke or comment can be taken the wrong way, and the next thing you know, you are up for slander, libel or harassment of some kind.

Leasing Disputes

Leasing Disputes under Australian law and Commercial Tenancy Tribunal

Under Australian law, as soon as an individual signs a commercial lease, he is legally bound to fulfil all terms and conditions of the lease, including the payment of rent, for the whole duration of the lease. Verbal agreements to change the lease are not binding in Australia. If a tenant and the landlord (the individual or business entity leasing the premises) desires to amend the terms and conditions of the lease, such amendments must be set forth in writing, usually with the participation of commercial property lawyers on one side and another firm representing the other side. Both the tenant and landlord must consent to any alterations in the lease. If both the tenant and landlord are completely aware of and consent to the lease conditions, there should be no disputes. Common grey areas, or the areas for confusion involve rent increases and lease renewals.

One of the reliable means of handling leasing disputes is mediation. A hearing by a special tribunal may be viewed as another way to remedy leasing conflicts and disputes. Each State and Territory of Australia has its own tribunal that specialises in handling commercial tenancy disputes. Thus, ACT Tenancy Tribunal was established in 1994 to handle disputes concerning retail premises, or premises located in a shopping centre and small commercial premises that are not located in a shopping centre. The ACT Tenancy Tribunal presently rests its decisions on the Leases (Commercial and Retail) Act 2001.[1]


How to Find the Best Corporate Property to Lease

Professional legal advice will tell you that there are many different criteria to finding the best lease, but before you can even start to look at what is in the lease you have to find a new office building that suits. Here are some tips to help find the property best suited to your kind of business.

  • Know your target market. Only by knowing the market and where they are likely to be can you be sure of putting your business in the same place. While location is not that important for some, it can spell success or disaster for others. So if you have a coffee shop or a butcher’s shop you need to be right where the foot traffic is, but also where there is plenty of parking. If you sell bulk supplies of timber or hardware your business will be in the industrial area. But you’ll need room for larger vehicles to drive in and access their goods rather than multiple parking spaces for cars.


4 Reasons to Make a Will

When you are young and just starting out, you don’t think too much about the need for family lawyers. They spend most of their time working out ways to enjoy life and have more fun, about their career choices and how long it will be before they get their dream job.  In fact, very little time is spent thinking about worst case scenarios or the end of life. That is why so many young people do not even think to make a Will.

However, if the unthinkable should happen – and statistics show that it happens more often than we would like to believe – your assets, be they ever so few, would not be likely to go to your loved ones unless you have a Will.

Here are 4 reasons to act responsibly by making a Will.

Experienced Corporate Lawyer

Why You Need an Experienced Corporate Lawyer

Many people dream of of setting up their own business without really looking into it. While you may have special skills that would make a great business, you also need to know a lot about setting up and running it. In fact, you really need an experienced commercial lawyer to help you set the company up in the first place. Why?

For a start, there are four different business models, so which one is best for your business? What you choose can have a big impact on things like insurance, tax, asset protection and even legal costs. Rather than choose a model that suits you at the moment, you have to include your future vision for the business and ensure the model you choose will still be right for it when you expand.

Leasing Business Premises

Tips for Leasing Business Premises

If you start up a business that cannot be run from home, you will need to lease business premises. There is a great deal to consider and plan including getting professional advice from lawyers and in this case, an experienced property lawyer because signing a lease will mean you are committed to pay a specific amount on a continual basis for the term of the lease. In addition, you may need to outfit the premises before you can start selling to get an income. Here are some of the things you will need to consider apart from the price.

  • The future needs of your business. You may need to expand, so are the premises large enough? If you expand in a different direction, is there anything in the lease that may prohibit you from selling different goods? Moving from the location after you have built up goodwill there can mean you are virtually starting all over again, so get it right the first time.